Welcome to the French Air Force Pilots selection process during which, Staff members will check your attitudes about aeronautical knowledge, with the logical limitations of the simulation, as well as knowledge of the airline, fleet and destinations.
• Rating System
Process is a questionnaire of 10 questions and a maximum score of 100 points.
• Licensing
We will only selecte questionnaires that:
Overcomes the minimum score of 70/100 points; and
Whose score is within the margin of places offered, taking into account the maximum score as No. 1.
Given the possible equality of points are taken into account: 1º Best punctuation in questions to develop 2º IVAO flight hours 3ºPersonal interview.
NOTICE: In the event of a request for applications, STAFF will consider the possibility of increasing seats for new pilots.
Application Questionnaire [Attention!]
To access the questionnaire you need to register at French Air Force Academy by clicking on the link below and then on "Entrance exam". Once you receive your confirmation email you can enter your username and password and
Register at French Air Force
Once the test and your score is within the quota of places offered, you will receive confirmation via email of their income as airline pilot with details of its new callsing to log on the web.
Notice: This process will be supervised by the staff of the airline and ensure the protection of user data involved in it. French Air Force staff reserves the right to refuse admission of applications for this process.